Terms & Conditions




The website https://www.iad.uk.com/ is a service published by: 

I@D UK Limited

A Private company limited by shares

Registered with the Registrar of Companies for England and Wales under number 14476433

VAT number is 436 3283 94


Mailing address:

50 Seymour Street LONDON - ENGLAND W1H 7JG


Head office:

50 Seymour Street LONDON - ENGLAND W1H 7JG


I@D UK Limited  is a subsidiary of SAS I@D International

RCS : Melun B 820 923 126

Siret : 82092312600024


Publication Director: 



Editorial content: 

The Website offers, for information purposes, various texts to be used with the appropriate discernment. I@D UK Limited  cannot, under any circumstances, be held responsible for any errors, omissions or inaccuracies that may be found.


The classified ads:  

Although the greatest care is taken in their processing, the characteristics appearing therein are only given as an indication and cannot be considered as constituting a contractual offer I@d UK Limited  cannot, under any circumstances, be held responsible for any errors, omissions or inaccuracies that may be found there. The information appearing in the description of the properties for sale or rent is communicated by the network's partners who are independent and write their classified ads under their own responsibility, whose commission must never exceed the I@D UK Limited fee schedule set out herein.


Partnerships : 

I@D UK Limited  has selected partners, present on the website, for the quality of their services. I@D UK Limited cannot be held responsible for the execution of these services.


Simulations : 

Users of the site have at their disposal "simulators" allowing them to perform a certain number of calculations; their purpose is only to clarify values and are to be used for information purposes only; their accuracy and veracity is not guaranteed.


Protection of users : 

Users of the website who have entered personal information for the purpose of being contacted by an advisor from I@D UK Limited in relation to their projects, have a right of access, rectification, modification and deletion of this data, in accordance with :

- the EU General Data Protection Regulation (EU 2016/679) (EU GDPR);

- EU GDPR as onshored into UK domestic legislation by the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 (UK GDPR) (EU GDPR and UK GDPR together "GDPR") ;and

- the Data Protection Act 2018;

They can use this right by contacting the publisher at privacy@iadgroup.uk or at the postal address indicated at the beginning of the page; to facilitate the exercise of this right.


Data exchanged: 

I@D UK Limited  cannot guarantee users of the eponymous website that the data exchanged is not fraudulently collected by third parties. For its part, the publisher undertakes to take all legal and technical measures to secure these exchanges.


Hypertext links: 

The website offers hypertext links to third-party sites. I@D UK Limited  cannot be held responsible in the event of a dispute between a referenced website and a user and will not be held responsible for the content, products and services available on or from these third-party websites, nor for their access and proper technical operation. The setting up of a hypertext link to the website requires prior written authorisation from I@D UK Limited .


Intellectual property rights: 

The brand, the logo, the graphic charter as well as all the data (texts and images) appearing on the pages of the website https:// iad.uk.com/ are the exclusive property of I@D UK Limited  : the use, the reproduction, the imitation, the exploitation, free of charge or against payment, in part or in full, on any support or by any process whatsoever is prohibited. This prohibition constitutes an infringement likely to engage the civil and penal liability of the infringer.


Website host :


SAS with a capital of €10,174,560

RCS Lille Métropole 424 761 419 00045

Code APE 2620Z

VAT NUMBER: FR 22 424 761 419

Head office: 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix - France

Chairman: Michel Paulin

OVH SAS is a subsidiary of OVH Groupe SA, a company registered in the Lille Trade and Companies Register under number 537 407 926 and located at 2, rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix.



Simplified joint stock company with a capital of 214,410.50 Euros

SIREN : 433 115 904 RCS Paris

Registered office: 8 rue de la Ville l'Evêque, 75008 Paris

Intra-community VAT number: FR 35 433115904

Director of publication: Arnaud Brindejonc de Bermingham



Site management / development by :

Plus que PRO digital whose head office is located at 9 rue du Thal 67 210 Obernai and registered with the R.C.S. of Saverne under the number 897 956 090. (Mail: contact@plus-que-pro-digital.fr - Website: https://www.plus-que-pro-digital.fr/ )