Cookie Policy

Cookie Management Policy


In order to allow Internet users to benefit from the services offered by the  website (hereinafter the "Website"), such as its consultation, registration for certain services (newsletters), optimisation of its use or personalisation according to the Internet user, the Website uses cookies and other tracers.

You can deactivate the cookies to which you have consented at any time, free of charge, using the deactivation options offered to you and recalled below.

  1. Definition

When you visit the Site, information relating to the browsing of your terminal (computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.) on the Site may be recorded in text files called "cookies", installed on your browser.

Cookies are used to recognise your browser during the period of validity of the cookie concerned and to send certain information back to the Site (for example, a session identifier or the choice of language).

Only the issuer of the cookie concerned is likely to read or modify the information contained in it.

There are different types of cookies:

  • session cookies which disappear as soon as you leave the Site ;
  • permanent cookies, which remain on your terminal equipment until their lifetime expires or until you delete them using the functions of your browser.

When you visit this Site, you are informed that cookies may be installed on your terminal equipment.

Other types of tracking devices than cookies may also be used, such as web beacons, also known as web bugs. These take the form of tiny graphic images and can be placed on the Site or in an email.

Their function is to collect technical information (i.e. your IP address or the type of device you are using) and information about your activity (i.e. the date and time of a page view) or to allow a third-party cookie to be deposited to send this information back to a server.

  1. Purposes

Some cookies are essential to the use of the Site: these are technical cookies used by the Site's host for the technical management of the network.

Other cookies enable the use of the Site to be optimised and the content displayed to be personalised:

  • to measure and analyse the number of visitors and the use of the Site, its sections and services offered, enabling us to carry out studies and improve the interest and ergonomics of the Site and our services;
  • to memorise your browser's display preferences (language used, display settings, operating system used, etc.) and to adapt the presentation of the Site during your visits, according to the display or reading hardware and software that your terminal equipment contains and that is used for browsing on our Site;
  • to memorise information relating, for example, to a form you have filled in or to a service (registration, access to your account) or offer or information you have chosen;
  • to allow you to access reserved and personal areas of the Site or our services, such as your personal account, thanks to identifiers or personal data concerning you previously communicated, allowing you, if necessary, to access personalised content;
  • to implement security measures ;
  • to limit the number of advertisements displayed ;
  • to adapt the advertising content inserted on the Site to your centres of interest and behaviour and, possibly, with a link to a locality (for example: list of the closest advisers);
  • to adapt and send you personalised advertising specifically intended for you by means of electronic canvassing or by displaying it on your terminal equipment within advertising spaces containing cookies that we issue; this is made possible by the personal data that you communicate to us, in particular when you register or access one of our services and when you use it, to which we link the cookies that we issue;
  • when you access a third party site containing advertising space displaying one of our advertisements, to send you this advertisement which may be sent to you via the recognition of one of our cookies that we have previously placed on your browser. These cookies may be set by our technical service providers and used by them.

In addition, web beacons placed on the Site are used to track your activity for the purpose of:

  • analytical evaluation of Site usage;
  • advertising;
  • auditing and reporting;
  • content customisation.

Web beacons placed on emails are used to track certain behaviours of yours, such as opening the email or clicking on a link within the email, in order to:

  • measure the impact of commercial prospecting campaigns;
  • measure your level of engagement with their content and provide you with personalised content.
  1. Cookies used by our Site

The cookies and other tracers used on the Site are:

  • iad's cookies and other trackers;
  • cookies and other tracers of third parties chosen by iad in order to achieve specific objectives.

The cookies and other tracers deposited by the tools of our Site or by third parties on our Site are detailed below.

The deposit and use of cookies and other trackers by these third-party companies are subject to their own terms of use.

3.1 Audience measurement

The Google Analytics service used for our Site allows us to count visitors and identify the way they use the Site. This is a statistical tool that allows iad to improve its website by considering the needs of visitors.

The data generated by these cookies concerns:

  • your use of the Site, such as the pages you have visited ;
  • your IP address to determine the city of connection. This data is immediately anonymised after localisation and is not communicated to Google.

3.2 Adaptation of advertising messages

The Google Ads service allows iad to improve the relevance of the advertisements displayed on its Site. The data generated by these cookies concerns:

  • information relating to the effectiveness of the advertising;
  • the advertisements on which you have clicked.

The Facebook service allows iad to provide a range of advertising products such as real-time offers from third party advertisers. The data generated by these cookies relates to:

  • real-time offers from third party advertisers that may be of interest to you.

The Google tag manager service allows iad to show more relevant ads (remarketing). It also allows to manage advertisers and partners and the triggering of their cookies. The data generated by these cookies concerns:

  • the fact of recognising you in order to avoid sending you messages concerning your appreciation of the site, for example.

This information is kept by the service provider and iad is not able to identify you through these cookies.

3.3 Cookies embedded in third party applications on our Site

We may include on our Site computer applications from third parties, which allow you to share the content of our Site with other people or to let these other people know your consultations or your opinions concerning the content of our Site. This is notably the case of the "Share" buttons from social networks such as "Facebook", "Twitter", "whatsapp", etc.

The social network is likely to identify you thanks to this button, even if you did not use it when visiting our Site. This type of application button may allow the social network concerned to track your browsing on our Site, simply because your account with the social network was activated on your browser (open session) during your browsing on our Site.

We have no control over the process used by social networks to collect information about your browsing on our Site and associated with the personal data they hold. We recommend that you consult the terms of use of your data on these social networks to find out the purposes of use, including advertising, and the browsing information they may collect through these application buttons.

You should ensure that the terms of use of these social networks may allow you to control and restrict the use of your data by these social networks, in particular by setting up your user accounts with them.

  1. Sharing your terminal use with others

If your terminal is used by more than one person, and where the same terminal has more than one browser, we cannot be certain that the services and advertisements directed to your terminal equipment correspond to your own use of that terminal equipment and not to that of another user of that terminal equipment.

Sharing your use of your terminal equipment with others and configuring your browser settings with respect to cookies is your free choice and responsibility.

  1. Consent

When you first visit our Site, you will be given the opportunity to accept or decline the use of certain cookies.

If you do not want cookies to be installed or read on your terminal equipment, a refusal cookie will be placed on your equipment so that iad can record the information that you have objected to the use of cookies.

If you delete this refusal cookie, it will no longer be possible to identify you as having refused the use of cookies.

Similarly, when you accept the deposit of cookies, a consent cookie is set.

The refusal or consent cookies must remain on your terminal equipment. You can change your choices at any time by clicking on "Configure my cookies" below.

  1. Cookie management

You can manage and modify the use of cookies at any time according to the possibilities listed below:

  • directly on our Site, in the module provided for this purpose, by clicking here, or
  • from your browser, or
  • from interprofessional opposition platforms.

Please note: your refusal to install a cookie is based on the deposit of a cookie. Consequently, if you deactivate all the cookies on your terminal or if you change terminal, we will no longer know that you have chosen this option.

6.1 Managing cookies on our Site

A module displayed in the centre of the page on our Site (Didomi) allows you to choose which cookies you wish to accept and which you wish to reject on our Site.

At any time, by clicking on "Configure my cookies" below you can access the module and change your preferences.

By default, your choice is kept for 6 months, then again you are asked to reiterate your choice via the Didomi module.

6.2 Managing cookies on your browser

You can configure your browser software so that cookies are stored in your terminal equipment or are rejected, either systematically or according to their sender.

You can also regularly delete cookies from your terminal via your browser.

However, do not forget to set the parameters of all the browsers on your various terminals (tablets, smartphones, computers, etc.).

For the management of cookies and your choices, the configuration of each browser is different. It is described in the help menu of your browser, which will allow you to know how to modify your choices regarding cookies. As examples:

However, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that by setting your browser to refuse cookies, certain features, pages and areas of the Site, which require the use of cookies, will not be accessible, for which we cannot be responsible.

6.3 Managing cookies via inter-professional opposition platforms

Several platforms of advertising professionals also offer you the possibility of refusing or accepting cookies used by the companies that are members of them.

These centralised mechanisms do not block the display of advertisements, but only prevent the installation of cookies that allow advertisements to be adapted to your interests and behaviour.

For example, you can log on to the website to prevent the installation of these cookies on your terminal equipment. This Site is proposed by digital advertising professionals grouped together within the European Digital Advertising Alliance (EDAA) and managed in France by the Interactive Advertising Bureau France.

You will be able to find out which companies are registered on this platform and which offer you the possibility of refusing or accepting the cookies they use to adapt the advertisements likely to be displayed on your browser, depending on the data they collect: .

This European platform is shared by hundreds of Internet advertising professionals and constitutes a centralised interface allowing you to express your refusal or acceptance of cookies as specified above.

  1. Protection of personal data

In the context of the use of cookies and other trackers as described on this page, iad is likely to process personal data about you, as the data controller.

Cookies and other third-party trackers on the Site are dependent on external processors who may, if you accept these cookies, process personal data about you.

The issue and use of these cookies and other trackers by third parties is subject to their own privacy policies. For more information about these processing operations, you can refer to their privacy policy:

Adform A/S
Eulerian Technologies
Golden Bees
Google Advertising Products
Google Analytics
HubSpot, Inc.
Microsoft (bing ads)
Optimize LCC D.B.A Genius Monkey
Taboola Europe Limited
Usabilla n/a

The data collected is essential to achieve the objectives pursued by each cookie. It is only intended for the authorised departments of iad and/or the company issuing the third-party cookies.

- The various categories of data collected and processed within the framework of the website may be transmitted to service providers located in countries outside the European Union, such as the United States.

- These data transfers are governed by a cross-border flow agreement drawn up in accordance with the standard contractual clauses for data controllers and processors issued by the European Commission and currently in force.

Personal data collected via cookies is never kept longer than necessary to achieve the purpose of the cookie or tracker and, in any case, no longer than 13 months.

For more information, including how to exercise your rights, please see our Privacy Policy.